Dreams About Getting Arrested: 7 Common Meanings

Dreams about the police arresting you can be confusing and stressful and will often leave you wondering what could they possibly mean. What kind of message is your subconscious trying to send?  What does it mean when you have dreams about getting arrested?

Dreaming about being arrested can symbolize feelings of guilt or shame, fear of consequences for your actions, or a sense of being trapped. Alternatively, it could also represent a need for control or maybe an expression of anxiety about something that is happening in your real life.

If you’re interested in learning more about the symbolism and interpretations of the dream, read on to discover what message they convey. I will explore the various interpretations and offer tips for interpreting your own dreams. So, don’t go away!

Key Takeaways:

  • These dreams may occur when you are trapped in a bad relationship or a job or feel like your freedom is being taken away by someone.
  • You should take it as a warning sign that your current lifestyle is not sustainable.
  • If this is a recurring theme in your sleep, I would strongly suggest seeking professional help.

Dreams About Getting Arrested: Exploring The Hidden Emotions

Dreams _about_getting_arrested_symbolism

When you have dreams about getting arrested, it’s often because your brain is trying to clear out the pent-up emotions that have been piling up in your subconscious.

Many people consider this a negative thing, but it’s not! Getting rid of those emotions and worries helps keep your brain healthy and functioning at their best.

This is also why we often see these dreams as an indication that we’re facing something difficult in our lives. This could refer to something as simple as getting a bad grade on an exam, or as serious as divorce or death itself.

The dream might represent feelings of frustration or anger stemming from these situations. But instead of letting yourself get caught up in those emotions, try looking at them from a different perspective.

As long as your brain is able to flush out these memories, you’ll be able to get past them and move on with your life.

1. Escaping Your Everyday Routine

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re on the run from the law, but rather, it means that you need a change of scenery.

You’re bored with your current routine and want something new. Maybe you’ve been stuck in a rut at work or school and are looking for ways to spice up your life outside of it.

Or maybe there’s just something missing from your life that needs to be obtained before you can truly feel satisfied.

2. Feeling Restrained Or Repressed

This dream can be a way for your subconscious to tell you that you’re feeling trapped.

You may be experiencing a lack of freedom in your life, or maybe you’re being held back by people who don’t believe in your ability to succeed.

You may also be in a situation where you feel like there’s no room for growth or change. This is especially true if you see your family member getting arrested for something they didn’t do.

It’s time to take control of your life and make sure you’re doing what makes sense for you.

3. Lack Of Inspiration And Willpower

Being arrested by law enforcement in your dream can be a sign of low self-esteem and a lack of goals in your life. Inspiration is the key component for a successful life and essential for personal growth.

The dream may be a sign that you are feeling powerless and unable to influence the events in your life. You need to focus on your goals and aspirations and set a plan to achieve them.

4. Anxiety Of Being Judged Or Punished

If you’ve ever had a dream like this, it’s not just because of something happening in your life, it’s because of something in your soul.

It might be time to start examining your actions and behaviors and make sure that they align with your own values and beliefs.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll feel more at peace with yourself and less likely to feel afraid of being judged by others.

5. Subconscious Fear Of Guilt And Shame

While it might seem like it’s just bizarre, things that happen in your sleep actually have a lot more going on than meets the eye.

Because dreams about having trouble with authorities are actually a sign of deep subconscious fears, like guilt or shame.

You recognize those feelings when you’ve done something wrong; whether it was something small and meaningless, or something big, like not being able to pay your bills or cheating on your spouse.

And if you’ve done something wrong and haven’t faced those feelings yet, then it’s likely that they’re still lingering in the back of your mind.

Those can be really intense and difficult to deal with when they’re happening in real life, so it makes sense that they’d come up in our dreams as well.

6. An Indication Of Unresolved Conflict

When you are arrested in your dreams, it means that your subconscious mind is trying to tell you something important. Maybe there is something in your life that needs to be resolved.

Maybe there is something that you need to change about yourself or about your attitude toward others. Or maybe you just have a lot of anger building inside and you need to learn how to deal with it better.

Whatever the case may be, the fact remains: if you keep having these dreams over and over again, something needs to drastically change in your life, so you can feel better about yourself.

7. Insecurity About Being Exposed

Another interpretation implies that you’re most likely insecure about being exposed or being thrown under a microscope.

You’re worried that someone will see who you really are. You’re worried that some part of yourself will be exposed and judged by others, or even yourself.

Dreams about getting arrested are a powerful indication that you need to work on self-acceptance. You can begin by accepting the parts of yourself that don’t fit into society’s narrow definitions of what “normal” is.

Dreams About Getting Caught Doing Something Bad

Dreams about doing something bad and illegal are often a result of stress, anxiety, and worry. If you’ve been feeling this way lately, it’s likely that this vision is just your subconscious mind’s way of letting off some steam.

So, what are these visions telling you? Well, they could be telling you that you’re feeling guilty and actually want to be caught.

Maybe it’s time to take a look at how your actions are affecting others. It could also mean that you feel like people are watching you and waiting for you to slip and make a mistake.

So, this is a proper time to start being a little more honest with yourself and start making some positive decisions.


In general, getting caught stealing indicates that you’re feeling guilty about something you’ve done or felt in the past.

You might feel like your actions were unjustified and unethical, or perhaps they have contributed to a negative impact on another person’s life.

Either way, these feelings are often connected to some kind of personal failure on your part. You may have let yourself down or failed to meet some kind of expectation that you set for yourself.

Drug Abuse

Getting arrested for drugs usually means that you’re feeling guilty about something, or that you are struggling with an addiction.

The dream may also symbolize your fear of being exposed for doing something you know is wrong. It’s important to take a look at what’s really going on in your life and how it relates to drugs.

If you’re not using them, there’s no need to worry; but if you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and aren’t seeking help, then this vision might be a sign that it’s time to get some help.


Getting caught cheating may indicate that you are being dishonest in your personal life, or it could be a sign that you need to look at the way you treat others.

The key to understanding this type of dream is to look at what happened before it occurred. The events leading up to the arrest are just as important as what happened after.

For example, if you were arrested for cheating on a test, it may be an indication that there is too much going on in your life right now and not enough time to get everything done.

Dream Of Police Arresting Someone Else

Dreaming of police arresting someone can be a sign of your fears, but it’s also possible that it is related to your subconscious and has nothing to do with reality.

If you’ve been arrested before, it might just be a reflection of your fears about being handcuffed again. But most often, it is a sign that you are not being true to yourself.

You may be feeling guilty about something and trying to hide it, but the vision is telling you that it’s time to come clean and face the truth.

The police may also represent authority figures in your life, such as parents or a teacher. This could suggest that someone has too much control over your life.

Dreaming of someone else getting in trouble with the law may reflect your anxiety about a certain person being blamed for something that you have done wrong.

The second reason why this may occur in your sleep is that you want to see them get punished for some wrongdoing they have committed against you.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to recognize what exactly you are being shown in this dream. It is not a coincidence, there is a meaning behind it.

In fact, it can be a warning that bad things are on their way if you don’t take action to prevent them.

Biblical Meaning Of Dreaming Of Being Arrested

Dreams are very powerful. They can affect our moods and emotions in ways we don’t even realize until we wake up.

When you dream of being arrested, it might be because your subconscious is trying to tell you something important about yourself and the people around you.

In general, it means that you’re being held prisoner by some kind of force. And this can be interpreted in a few different ways.

It could mean that you’re not living your life the way you want to and that you are not living up to your potential.

This can also refer to a situation where someone is holding you back from getting what you want or even being stuck somewhere because of circumstances out of your control.

Whatever the case may be, the biblical meaning of dreaming of being arrested implies that you need to take a look at the situation and see if you can make any changes.

The best thing to do when this happens is to ask God for help and guidance.


In conclusion, having dreams about getting arrested or being in detention is a signal that you need to look deeper within yourself.

You should reflect on your own behaviors and attitudes to determine whether there is something that is worrying you and causing you concern.

Be it at work, at school, or in the company of friends, family members, or even strangers. This dream may also suggest that you feel you are being judged by others, or that you are being treated unfairly.

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